uno baja este disco clicando en la imagen. y lo pone y lo que empieza a brotar de los parlantes inunda todo, todo...
aquí hay una entrevista al guitarrista y eventual cantante patrick cockett, en la cual cuenta un poquito la historia de la banda y de este disco. bonita historia, también. de amores adolescentes de verano hawaiiano, exiliados uruguayos, los primeros moogs...
martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010
sweet communist, the communist daughter standing on the sea-weed water semen stains the mountain tops semen stains the mountain tops with coca leaves along the border sweetness sings from every corner cars careening from the clouds the bridges burst and twist around and wanting something warm and moving bends towards herself the soothing proves that she must still exist she moves herself about her fist sweet communist, the communist daughter standing on the sea-weed water semen stains the mountain tops semen stains the mountain tops