martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

i won't need to kiss you when we're there
all will be one, all will be one
i won't need to miss you when we're there
over in the old golden land

we'll understand it better in the sweet bye and bye
all will be one, all will be one
you won't need to worry and you won't have to cry
over in the old golden land

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

lane himself lit a cigarette as the train pulled in. then, like so many people, who, perhaps, ought to be issued only a very probational pass to meet trains, he tried to empty his face of all expression that might quite simply, perhaps even beautifully, reveal how he felt about the arriving person.
franny was among the first of the girls to get off the train, from a car at the far, northern end of the platform. lane spotted her immediately, and despite whatever it was he was trying to do with his face, his arm that shot up into the air was the whole truth.

j. d. salinger. de franny and zooey, 1961

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

dos discos desde el más acá

bueno! a pesar de no estar poniendo nada nunca, cada tanto se me viene a la cabeza el be glad!
y el otro día pensé que debía subir dos disquitos que, aunque son harto distintos, los tengo asociados en la cabeza un poco.

(como no puedo subirlos yo mismo los links son robados)

uno es the owl of fives, del one ensemble of daniel padden. se baja desde white dot music, y la tapa es esta:

el otro es del misterioso clutchy hopkins, a quien me presentó el gran melli k. se llama lo fi trackz y se baja de sex and the bici. tapita:

disfrutalos, que se dejan.