The instruments multiplied yet further on The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter, with hammer dulcimer, harpsichord, pan pipe, Jew's harp, water harp, chahanai, finger cymbals, and more adding to the clamor. Both this and its predecessor put growing emphasis on melismatic, vari-pitched vocals, creating a wavering drone that nonetheless was extremely varied in both vocal and instrumental arrangement. It also lacked, strictly speaking, much rock to its folk-rock; there were no electric guitars. But as with Pentangle, rock listeners would be the Incredible String Band's core supporters, sending The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter to #5 in the UK. It was an amazing placing for such an adventurous record and a band whose very format made hit singles out of the question, and whose airplay was limited to a few adventurous DJ’s. For that, the Incredibles and other like-minded underground acts had to rely upon John Peel, who once played The 5000 Sprits or the Layers of the Onion in its entirety on one of his shows, though at midnight. By the end of the 1960’s, the Incredibles' sound had softened somewhat as Rose Simpson and Licorice McKechnie took larger roles in the vocal and instrumental arrangements...
prometo algo en castellano sobre los incredible, pronto prontito.
por ahora vamos a hacer una cosa. dejo un link para bajarse el primer disco, el homónimo, grabado cuando eran un trío en 1966... grabado en sólo uno o dos días. DIS CA ZO en sí mismo, aunque no eran todavía lo que llegarían a ser poco después... clicando la imagen se lo consiguen.
2. October Song
3. When The Music Starts To Play
4. Schaeffer's Jig
5. Womankind
6. The Tree
7. Whistle Tune
8. Dandelion Blues
9. How Happy I Am
10. Empty Pocket Blues
11. Smoke Shoveling Song
12. Can't Keep Me Here
13. Good As Gone
14. Footsteps Of The Heron
15. Niggertown
16. Everything's Fine Right Now
¡a disfrutar!
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